How to maintain DMN models on Business Central and VSCode
Currently, the DMN editor is supported in a variety of environments. You can create a DMN model in an online editor, in a chrome extension, in a desktop app, in a VSCode extension, and even on Business Central.
Until the latest release, you could face some differences between a model created by VSCode and a one created by Business Central. Now, this post aims to demonstrate that both environments are fully compatible by showing the same project from two perspectives: I) how to create a project on VSCode and import it on Business Central, and II) how to create a project on Business Central and import it on VSCode.
Let’s check both environments.
The VSCode perspective
Let’s get started to understand how to use VSCode to handle a DMN file in a context of a Business Central project by relying only on VSCode.
- In a shell prompt, enter the following
command to create a project:
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.kie \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=kie-kjar-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=7.44.0.Final \
-DartifactId="Some Application" \
-DgroupId="org.kie" \
When the archetype plug-in switches to interactive mode, accept the default values for the remaining fields
After generating your project, create a DMN asset at the
src/main/resources/<your package>
directory and populate it with some interesting decision, like the one in the video:
- Now, initialize the git repository for your project, add all files, and commit them:
git init && git add . && git commit -m "Init"
to get the local path of your project -
Open the Business Central spaces screen, click on Import Project, and set
file://<the local path of your project>
as the Repository URL
- Done! You’ve successfully created a Business Central project relying only on your terminal and on your VSCode DMN editor! 🎉
The Business Central perspective
Alright, now let’s do the opposite. Let’s create a project on Business Central and import it to VSCode.
Create a project on Business Central in the spaces screen
Create a DMN asset and populate it with some interesting decision, like the one in the video above
Now, click on “Settings” to open the project settings screen
- Copy the HTTP URL of your project
- Clone the URL of your project
git clone http://localhost:8080/business-central/git/MySpace/bc-2-vscode
Open the project directory with VSCode
Done! You’ve successfully opened your Business Central project with VSCode. You can now perform changes into your DMN mode, commit them with git, and the Business Central will automatically detect them
I hope you’ve enjoyed this quick tutorial! Stay tuned for new DMN features! :-)