DMN-cli imports Java classes as data types now
Some months ago, I created the DMN-cli project 🎉, which is a tool that allows you to manage DMN models via command-line easily. The primary purpose is to provide a simple infrastructure to automate operations into your models via cli.
Today I introduced the new fetch-types command into the DMN-cli. Now users can fetch DMN data types from:
- a Java project (by relying on .class files) by executing
dmn-cli fetch-types <JAVA_PROJECT_PATH>
- a JSON file with a list of data types by quickly typing
dmn-cli fetch-types <JSON_FILE_PATH>
The DMN-cli generates the "types.dmn"
model when users execute the command fetch-types, see:
The generated model can be easily included on other DMN files whenever users need to use those types - you can the "types. dmn"
a data types library.
If you want to try it, check for details :-)